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For your Health, Wellbeing & Balance


HEALY technology analyses your individual frequency via a quantum sensor and delivers customised specific frequency programs to promote bio-energetic balance, vitality and overall well-being. With 144000 frequencies across 120 programs, it supports with insomnia, chronic pain, balancing emotions and hormones, anxiety, stress, organs, allergies, skin, hair, meridians, chakras and many more. 

Healy provides applications that help keep you in shape and reduce pain. It should support you in stressful situations throughout the day, help you to recover more easily and find better rest at night. It should help you increase your vitality, making your life energy flow smoothly and activating your energy reserves.

Healy’s frequency programs can support you after just 20minute application, no matter where you are: playing sports, relaxing, at work, home, or on the go.

What is HEALY

HEALY is a wearable holistic Medical Device used to balance and support the body's bio-energetic field!

Healy uses individualised frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. This versatile little device can support in restoring the membrane tension to a natural level. By the regular use of specific frequencies, the cell membrane tension can be rebuild and strengthened.



'HEALY' Frequency For LIFE

This small but extremely versatile device delivers frequency programs for all important areas of life:

  • Pain/Psyche - Pain can be unbearable. Healy is designed to get you by on as little medication as possible

  • Learning - To help absorb knowlege faster and easier

  • Fitness - Support out your top performance

  • Sleep - Support of better and deeper sleep

  • Beauty/Skin - The Beauty comes from within! Healy Beauty programs are designed to bring it out

  • Mental Balance - Support to life balance and full confidence

  • Meridians - Stimulation of the flow of life and flow of energy that connects everything

  • Bioenergetic Balance - All-round Healthy

  • Chakras - Strengthen your seven etheral energy centers

  • Protection -  Against harmful environmental influences.

  • Job - Reinforces relaxation and resistance to stress

Resonance Analyses

Not only professionals, but also individual users are able to perform with the Future of Healy Resonance analyses for themselves and for their families and friends. However, analyses should be reviewed by a doctor if any signs of disease appear to be present.


Another useful tool to Healy is the Healy's Aura module. It lets you analyse the cenergy distribution of our chakras in the Information Field; after an analysis of the emotional background, we can point out suitable ways of optimisation with the Aura module.
The resulting optimisation patterns can be applied to different products with Healy in order to balance energetic blockages.


Healthy Cells and Healthy Body

healthy man

This mechanism is based on 

voltage potential, i.e., the difference in voltage between the cell interior and the intercellu-
lar space. The right or wrong amount of such potential is responsible for healthy or diseased cell metabolism.

Frequency therapy is believed to regulate this voltage potential; this is the underlying theory to explain why frequency therapy is a procedure that can be used to support energetic balance in a variety of ways.

The cell is the smallest component in your body. A body consists of organs, the organs consist of cells. Each of us has about 70 trillion of them, that is 70 million million! Every cell, just like the whole human organism, has a metabolism: water, nutrients and oxygen have to get in, metabolism products need to be taken out. For the cells, this transport is handled through openings in their surface, the so-called cell membrane.

These “valves” in the cell membrane open and close as needed. 


Developing of HEALY


HEALY is a high quality medical technology product that was entirely developed in Germany. It was conceived and designed in cooperation with physicians and practitioners based on their practice and experience.

A seasoned team of developers and engineers, who had extensive previous experience working on the professional TimeWaver systems, faced the exciting challenge of bringing this complex technology into a compact and easy to-use form.

Choose Your Healy Edition


Healy Gold

  • Nuno Nina Gold Cycle and a program page of your choice

  • For bio-energetic support and prevention, for recovery from negative experiences, for optimal energy balance, emotional balance, well-being and relaxation

  • Pure – Recover from the effects of environmental factors

  • Care – Strengthen your energy field

  • Balance – Physical balance

  • Being – Emotional balance

  • Energy – Support for extra demands

  • Relax – Anti-Stress effect

  • Release - Release the pain at it's source

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Healy Holistic Health

Healy-Holistic-Health-Plus 3

Healy Holistic Health Plus

Healy Holistic Health consists of a Healy, the Nuno Nina Gold Cycle and 8 other program pages that can help guide you to better health:

✓ Pain/Psyche -discomfort in the body, joints, mouth and mental stress relieve and balance
✓ Immune System, Allergies, Cold, Hormones, Eyes, Nerves, Intestines, Menopause & Menstruation
✓ Thyroid, Bacteria, Liver, Toxins, food Sensitivity, Lungs, Prostate, Head
✓ Allergies, Bladder, Skin, Heart, Connective Tissue, Gall Bladder
Mental clarity, balance, 
✓ Sleep - exhaustion, adrenals, fatigue, bed rest, deep sleep
✓ Skin - Wounds, Scars, Scar Tissue Acne  

Everything’s in here: you get Healy Holistic Health and 6 other program pages, more than 120 Healy programs:

✓ Learning - Relaxation before & during Exam, Stress acute, stress system, Memory, concentration, enhance focus, learning acute, retain learning, Mental balance - stimulation of creative power, Mood improvement

✓ Fitness - Support for body's energy, recovery, demands of exercise, musculoskeletal, stimulation of vitality, optimisation of the relaxation phase
✓ Job - Mental clarity, positive thoughts, promotion of the beta state, Stress resistance
✓ Beauty - Inner Beauty, Hair, support to Skin cells, Aging
✓ Chakras - harmonising the energy of all seven main chakras
✓ Protection Programs - Energetic shielding, strengthening of the cells, Mental, energetic protection during sleep, against external influence, Geopathy and Planets.

Healy Resonance

Healy-Resonance 4

The Healy Resonance edition contains Healy Holistic Health Plus, i.e. more than 120 Healy frequency programs, plus the HealAdvisor Analyse app with the Resonance and Aura modules.

With the analysis feature of the Healy Resonance module home users can perform analyses on themselves and their families. Another useful tool in this edition is the Healy Aura module. It lets you analyze the energy distribution of your chakras in the Information Field; after an analysis of the emotional background, you can point out suitable ways of optimization.

The resulting optimisation patterns can be applied to different products through Healy in order to balance emotional imbalances.

Shipping to 40 countries


Brochure's available in different languages on request 

Always here to help!

Just contact me :)

Language: English & German

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The leading figures behind the creation of Healy are Marcus Schmieke and Nuno Nina.

Marcus Schmieke

Two Extraordinary People. Two Extraordinary Visions.

Marcus Schmieke

Marcus Schmieke, born 1966, is the inventor and developer of Healy and TimeWaver products.

For many years, Marcus had been thinking about a way to let all humans take advan-tage of the bene ts of TimeWaver techno- logy in a compact and simple package. What he had in mind was a device that everyone could use every day, a device that would be compact, simple and practical.

Nuno Nina

Nuno Nina

Nuno is a Portuguese therapist who runs seven private clinics. He is a specialist in integrative medicine and cell biology. Through his experience with thousands of patients, he brought the theories andndings from his research in the form of acollection of 144,000 so-called “Gold Fre- quencies“ to the project.

When he rst came into contact withTimeWaver technology years ago, he immediately suggested combining it with the possibilities of frequency therapy to create something greater than the sum of its parts.


Systemic, Acute and Local Healy Programs

What we have here is a tool that empowers everyone to identify where in their body there are imbalances and enables them to become their own healers.

Facts and Figures

**Disclaimer: Healy is a wearable Quantum Healing Frequency device, designed to assist with the relief of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognised by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.

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